lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

Summer time!


Summer is here and the adventures are waiting for us :D

Seguro que alguno de vosotros y vosotras vais a viajar al extranjero y esa es la mejor ocasión para practicar vuestro inglés. Aún así, tanto si os movéis como si disfrutáis de unas buenas vacaciones cerca de casa sería genial si no perdierais todo lo que hemos avanzado en inglés este curso. A continuación os dejo una selección de enlaces a páginas web en las que encontraréis un montón de actividades con las que pasar un buen rato a la vez que después de refrescaros en la piscina también refrescáis vuestra memoria! Los enlaces en rojo son páginas que ya hemos usado en clase y el resto son nuevas formas de seguir trabajando los contenidos.

Enjoy and have fun!


Date and weather: 

Telling the time: 

Directions and prepositions of place:


  • Spellosaur (Ipad App)


Cuentos, historias y noticias cortas para leer online:

Juegos para practicar la lectura comprensiva:



Formación de oraciones y reglas gramaticales: 

  • Complete the sentence for kids (Ipad App) 

  •  Plataforma para el trabajo con diferentes estructuras de inglés con un nivel de dificultad progresivo: 

Tiempos verbales



  • English listening test: Ipad App para practicar la escucha activa.

  • MadLipz: Ipad App: Doblar escenas de películas para hacer parodias divertidas.

  • Puppet pals: Ipad App: Crear historias animadas y poner tu propia voz.

¡¡¡Disfrutad de unas merecidas vacaciones!!! 


domingo, 2 de junio de 2019

Packing like a PRO

Hello travelers!!

Summer is almost here and we should be ready for it! Some of you may travel abroad and others will stay in Spain but in any case I feel that most of you will need to prepare a suitcase or backpack.

If you don't want to forget anything, creating a checklist is always a great idea, here is an example:

In class, we learnt what were the differences between backpaking and travelling with a suitcase:




No matter what option you choose remember the first steps: 

  1. Place everything you want to take out on your bed or on the floor.

  1. Once you see everything you want, be brave and eliminate about a third!

This will make the rest of the job a lot easier.

And finally...remember that in the case of our project, for the bike we have to think about packing  saddlebags (alforjas) which are different from a backpack or a suitcase. Pay attention to these ideas:

Bikepacking Checklist

Packing guide

You can tell me if you are team BACKPACK or team SUITCASE and why in the comments! :D 

(Example: Hello! I'm team backpack because as you carry it on your back you will try to pack lighter. Best, Miriam)

Future Tenses

We have worked on it all year but now it's time to think about the future tenses and review them a little. 

Here you have 2 short videos with some explanations that may be helpful: 

Playing some games is always a great idea to practice: 

Some exercices: 


Future tenses

Online activities:

You may practice your use of the future writing a comment with your summer plans now that we are almost in that amazing seasion of the year!

(Example: This summer I WILL / I'm GOING TO travel around the world) 

Thank you for all the hard work!!

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

We are NOT the lost generation

Hello Green people!

We have been working hard on our Nature associations. Thank you for all your effort :D
Great job!


Here you can see the palindrome written by Jonathan Reed: 

I am part of a lost generation
     And I refuse to believe that
I can change the world
     I realize this may be a shock, but
“Happiness comes from within”
     Is a lie, and
“Money will make me happy”
     So in thirty years, I will tell my children
They are not the most important thing in my life
     My employer will know that
I have my priorities straight because
Is more important than
I tell you this:
     Once upon a time
Families stayed together
     But this will not be true in my era
This is a quick fix society
     Experts tell me
Thirty years from now, I will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of my divorce
     I do not concede that
I will live in a country of my own making
     In the future,
Environmental destruction will be the norm
     No longer can it be said that
My peers and I care about this Earth
     It will be evident that
My generation is apathetic and lethargic
     It is foolish to presume that
There is hope...

Unless we reverse it

martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

"Show&Tell time"


I'm back with fresh ideas!

These last weeks of school we're going to use the beggining of the classes to improve our speaking. How? Using the "Show and Tell" activity.

Rules are very simple:

  1. Write you name on the class list to help with the organization. 
  2. Think about an object that is special to you.
  3. Think about what you want to say about the object: How it is (shape, color, size...), origin, why is important...
  4. Look for the expressions and vocabulary you may need to do your presentation.
  5. Practice your presentation at home to make sure you can be talking about your object for 2.30 minutes.
  1. Wait for your turn. 
  2. Stand up on your chair and start your presentation:
    • Don't rush.
    • Talk slowly and calmly.
    • Your object is important so use the time you need.

  3. When the time starts you will have 3 minutes to talk, you will be able to see te time, that will help you to control your timing. 
  4. Remember, if you want you can let your classmates ask you questions during the last half of the last minute. 
That's it! You will be the perfect SPEAKER :D 

Here is an example, I hope it inspiresyou: 

I'm really excited to see your presentations! 
Now it's your moment!

P.S.: We will use this post to comment your experience. So, once you have done the Show&Tell, use this post to write down a comment. Here is the example:

"During my presentation about my favourite toy I felt excited because my classmates asked me a lot of questions about my object." 

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019


Dear humans:

These weeks we have been working on our implication towards the environment. The earth is the only home we have and we must take care of it. Reading and learning about how can we help to save our planet is the first step to change.

Here I'm going to leave some interesting links about this topic:

In this last webpage we find a list with some ideas to help the earth. Check it out!

14 Ways you can help the earth…starting NOW!

14. Turn off lights when you leave the room. During the day, open your curtains and enjoy natural light. 
13. Use a reusable water bottle, and stop buying plastic disposable bottles. 
12. When you can, walk or ride your bike and get some exercise! 
11. Reuse scrap paper for writing notes or creating crafts. 
10. Before buying anything new, search for used or free items! 
9. Unplug unused chargers. 
8. Recycle cans, bottles, paper, books, and even toys. 
7. Turn off the water when you’re brushing your teeth. 
6. Put your computer to “sleep” instead of leaving it on with the screensaver running.
5. Keep your showers short to conserve water.
4. Use reusable food containers for your lunch.
3. Choose rechargeable batteries, then recycle them when they die.
2. Borrow a book from the library or from a friend - sharing books is a great way to reduce waste and reuse materials.
1. Stop using disposable bags, use reusable bags.

Can you write more ideas? Let's make this list bigger!

[Example of comment: "Hello! Here is an idea: Take a shower instead of a bath. Bye! Miriam"]

It's in your hands!

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Telling the time

We have been working on this topic a long time so, in order to keep practicing here you have some activities and information:

Listen to the explanation: 

Online games to practice: 

EXTRA games: 

Here you have some activities you can use to practice too:

Ready to synchronize clocks!? 
Look at your watch right now and tell me what time is it in the comments below! 
(Example: Hello! My name is Miriam and right now it's five to four. Bye!)