viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

It's raining Idioms and Dogs

Resultado de imagen de idioms


Idioms are finally here! But... what are they?

Idioms express a particular sentiment, but they do not literally mean what the individual words themselves mean.

For example: 

It's raining cats and dogs

Resultado de imagen de it's raining cats and dogs

It doesn't mean literally that but that it is raining a lot! 

So now it's your turn! Today the topic is WEATHER, can you find some idioms related to it? 
Show me yours in the comments below! I can't wait to see your idioms. 

Resultado de imagen de see you later alligator

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2019

Objects pronouns practice


This week we have been working on the difference between the subject and object pronouns, they can be a little bit tricky so here you have some exercises that may help as a review: 

Check these videos: 

Let´s rock a little!:

What about some practice? 

Good job!

Resultado de imagen de object pronouns jokes

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2019

Inernational Characterisation Department: Middle Ages

Hello agents!!

The international characterisation department is helping us to learn everything about the Feudal System. Living in the Middle Ages wasn't easy that is why we had to learn everything about how they behave, dress and talk back at that time. 

Here I leave some materials the Ministry asked me to give you so you can continue learning and getting ready for the job interview we're going to have soon. 

  • What is feudalism?

  • Manor life:

  • A day in the life...:

  • Useful webpages:

Ducksters Middle Ages

I hope you find this resources  useful!